
Mad Mascot is the brain child of a sports nerd and enthusiast from the suburbs of Washington D.C. Originally intended as a writing exercise for the author, Mad Mascot has transformed into an aspiring leader in the competitive sports satire market. This website has a two-fold purpose: To thoughtfully analyze overlooked aspects of American sports narratives and to create satirical entertainment. The parody features on this website are entirely a figment of the writer’s imagination.

Gradually, Mad Mascot has also evolved into a place of apolitical sports engagement. Many look to sports as a reprieve from the bipolarization of today’s overly political culture. However, main stream sports outlets have become over-saturated with political bias from both ends of the spectrum. This is testing the historically neutral presence of sports in our homes and workplaces. Mad Mascot hopes to reinvigorate sports neutrality by providing laughter, commentary, and examination into any and all things athletic.

As of today, Mad Mascot is a one man operation. All the content found on this website is original. Thank you for reading, I hope you have enjoyed this website half as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Ripp Aspen, Founder and Primary Contributor