Clemson Receiver Does Entire Ballet Before Dropping “Incomplete Pass”

MIAMI, FL — The controversial call that negated a fumble recovery touchdown by Ohio State in the College Football Playoffs is once again at the forefront of public scrutiny. Late last night, Twitter user “SetMIFansOnFire” posted a slowed down version of Justyn Ross’s “catch” that appears to show the receiver doing the entire Swan Lake ballet while holding onto the football. The moment Ross receives the football he transcends into the titular role of Prince Siegfried, the handsome prince and lover of Princess Odette. The Clemson receiver then furiously erupts into a sequence of footwork featured prominently in Acts I and II. However, Ross drops the football after his imitation of the Act 4 climax (the plunging into the lake with Odette) is interrupted by Ohio State’s Jeff Okudah. You could go so far as to say that Okudah was the Baron Von Rothbart to Ross’s Siegfried. Ohio State fans were understandably outraged at this new revelation.

“Fuggin refs always cheatin’ us. How can you dance all of Swan Cake with the ball and not call that a catch. Doggone it, I’m mailin’ these refs one of my dog’s stinkiest turds. I like to collect ‘em just for occasions like this.” – Rabbit Dundersmith, Columbus townie

“I’d recognize the Tchailkovsky style choreography anywhere. That was a catch and a beautiful performance I might add.” – Hank “Urinal” Williams, trucker

“Ross’s rendition of Swan Lake was surprisingly delightful. I would love to see him play the part of Siegfried in a true ballet performance.” – Amy Fickleton, OSU theater major

“If you slow the replay down to 1/16 of its original speed and play it in real time, Ross holds on to the ball for like 10 seconds. That’s got to be catch.” – Dennis O’Leary, OSU alum and head rocket scientist at NASA