Twilight Zone: Kyle Lowry Gets No Help in the Fourth Quarter

MILWAUKEE, WI — Fourth quarter. Bright lights. One man puts his life on the line for his team. This man is neither a bad player, nor a great player. And he has a tendency to come up small when the lights shine their brightest. But not tonight. This man, Kyle Lowry, is playing the game of his life. The harder he plays, the more he feels isolated on the court. Kyle’s teammates fade and vanish before his very eyes. Meanwhile, his opponents grow in size and stature. They become colossuses intent on crushing Mr. Lowry’s will to win.

Sitting courtside is a man by the name of Isaac R. Ony. Mister I.R. Ony is the man behind the curtain. He has a scheduled appointment with Mr. Lowry, but the basketball player is not aware of I.R. Ony or their appointment. Kyle is about to punished for all the times he has left his team hanging out to dry. He will finally know how it feels. We’ve just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.